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Friday, January 14, 2005New Year WeekendI had an absolutely fabulous weekend; It started out lazy, considering I spent the entire half of the day in bed. My phone was ringing of the ying yang and I was to lazy to pick it up but my trusted Princess O filled in as secretary and I heard her every few minutes or so saying “ my mum is back”. I finally got up to go grocery shopping because my girls were coming to visit, Moji, Lola and Tolu. I made them catfish and rice. They arrived at about 6pm, I was so excited, and I guess I do miss MD just a bit. I called Remi to join us on a night out. We had a blast! We went to Jillian’s with Remi, Dupe and Derenle on Saturday night and then on Sunday we went to church, then to the mall. I went to Benetton to visit my beloved jacket, still not on sale and winter is almost over! Moji and I fought as usual, and then made up just as quickly. I indulged in a cinnabon knowing my ass was starting to look like Anna Nicole’s before trim spa! I am getting humongous! I now wear a size 10! I don’t know where it came from but its gotta go! Okay after this one last cinnabon. Note to self: Loose 25lbs by summer 2005. I know I am not that big but considering the type of shit I like to wear…I’ll just look ridiculous! I refuse to come to terms with the fact that I can no longer shop in the juniors department! We took a bunch of pictures and headed home for dinner! I made Jollof rice and curry chicken with the help of Lola. We chilled for a bit after dinner and then we decided to go see ‘meet the Fockers’ Remi and Dupe joined us. It was hilarious! We stayed up till 5:30 am gisting about everything! My ass is going to be tired as hell Monday morning! I decided to spend the morning with my girls, we went shopping again, well they went shopping my broke ass just watched. They headed back to MD at about 4 pm. I decided to spend the rest of the day at Remi’s. BTW my dawg Remi recently bought a crib! 3 bedroom, 2 ½ baths, 2-door garage single family home. That shit is like that! she laid it out! It is tastefully and sparingly furnished and looked like something out of cribs! Kudos to Remi, I am so proud of you sister girl! I gave her an abstract 36x40 painting I made and it hangs over her fireplace, I think it’s my best work yet. Moji made me promise to make her one too, and I shall. I am glad my chicka were in town this weekend it started my new year on a good note and took my mind off all the shit that has been bothering me. I wish you all a very fabulous new year and may God bless you as he continues to bless me.
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