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Friday, May 20, 2005Here I go again!So I am moving again this weekend! I know, its like I move every freaking 3 months! Na but this time it's legit. I feel the need to liberate myself from folks, you know be more independent, it's about fucking time! I will be 30 in 3 years! So the moving thing is semi-complicated and I'd rather not get into it so I won't, I just know I did the best thing for me and that's all anyone needs to know. My leg is alot better, its a bit swollen but my ass is addicted to 4 inch heels so I ain't helping matters. I tried to rally up folks to help me move but everyone's got something to do this weekend so I fucked!I wont be losing any sleep though because BIG DADDY always comes through! I had this fight with my sister the other day (what else is new) the problem I have with the ol'girl is that she never fucking listen! She will just get majorly upset and I can't get one word in, I did not feel like getting cursed out so I called a truce. Its very unlike me to throw in the towel but some battles are just not worth fighting. I just hope she reads this and understands that it is not my intention to judge her, I just have some views that are different from hers and I would like the opportunity to express them without hell breaking loose! So I had a mimi yard sale the other day, I made a pretty penny too, I just figured with my moving and all it was time to part with some things that I really had no use for ....that way I can make room in my closet for my! It is like wwwwaaaaaaaaayyyyy past my bedtime and I start moving tomorrow so it may be a while before my Highspeed get connected! ![]() ![]()