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Monday, June 06, 2005Moji' HousewarmingMy Girl Mo bought herself a loft yall! Yes a chic spinster's pad on the good side of the hood!! (We're moving on up, cos we finally have a piece of the pie!!!!!!) I am so proud of you boo bear! May God's infinite mercy be upon you...always!! Okay so we had this major rara at her crib, it was fabulous! All the MD fly girls were in the HOUSE!! Dressed to kill always, them heifers look heck of good! I saw all my MD folks it was especially fun mingling with Elisa, Lola and E.I. Food was off the heezy! Tasted great and way too much! The music was on point! Everything went better than planed!! Glory be to God. The preparation was mad stressful, Moji and I stayed up till wee hours cooking and shit! It all worked out though cause the party was an absolute blast! On Sunday, I decided to go to church, my ghetto ass did not get there until five minutes after it was supposed to be over but trust Jesus House, we were in there for a good 30 minutes longer. It was nice though, I am so drawn to that place because I can tell God is in their midst. The pastor’s testimony alone gives me hope. Anyway, I saw everybody and their grandmother. I dropped Omolayo off with her cousins for a picnic she was invited to. I went over to E.I. to chill for the afternoon, I wasn’t much company though cause my ass was knocked out the minute I got there. I picked Moji up from her Uncle’s crib and headed back to B’more to get ready for Dare’s Aunt’s 50th birthday and 25th wedding anniversary gala. Please tell me why in the hell I locked Moji, her Sister in-law and myself out of the house? I gave Moji’s key to Oyinade (my new adopted sister) and Moji gave her spare to her brother so we were locked out! Of course I did not realize this till we got to B’more. Which meant I could not go to the party because my baffs were locked out too. I pouted for the rest of the evening but I could not be mad at anyone but myself! ![]() ![]()