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Monday, August 01, 2005What a fabulous weekend!Kiwi called me early morning Saturday to invite me to join her yard sale. I quickly packed up all the junk I had stacked up and headed to her crib. Dayo joined us a little later and we went to work. Mehn yall should have seen how folks were going bananas for our stuff, and we were selling it real cheap. In fact it was so successful, we are planning on doing it again next weekend. Okay I left out the fact that I bought some stuff from both Dayo and Kiwi. Deola had this leather jacket that was hot but some oyinbo lady got to take it home for a mere $35..I was a bit upset but hey…she saw it first. Kiwi’s mum hooked us up with some food later on and we just chilled. Princess O and I bounced because we had to go to Hilary Duff’s concert. We were about 20 minutes into our trip when I realized I left our tickets at kiwi’s crib….waramess. We finally got to the concert about 45 minutes late. Molayo asked me why we always had to be late for everything, the girl had a point, I need to work on my punctuality issues. I sat through 2 hours of over-zealous screams of children aged 3-18. Omolayo asked me if it was alright for her to scream as well….it was good to see her enjoying herself. By the time we headed out, my head was vibrating and I was extremely worn out. On Sunday I headed to the Airport to rent a car for my MD trip, I was planning on driving down for the day. My cousin was celebrating her daughter’s 10th birthday. I drove straight to Niyi’s place and we left for the party. It was a very well organized extravaganza, the food was terrific and Omolayo had an absolute blast. LA came to join me at the party we hung out the rest of the party in the hotel lobby because guests were overflowing from the rented hall. Niyi left LA and I and we met up with him later in the evening. Niyi and I talked for the longest, he shared some very disturbing info with me but I wont trip, and none of it was news anyway so I’ll just let it burn. I miss my dawg men, I am happy he is doing well but I still miss him…yo boo, I just may be joining you there soon ;) LA convinced me that I should stay the night in MD so we drove down to Mo’s crib. We stayed up gisting and carrying on…you know how we do. I am so not looking forward to going back home…Damn! ![]() ![]()