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Thursday, February 03, 2005Blah Blah BlahWhat the help happened to my blog? I used to be so fucking creative on my old blog, effortlessly really, because I had so much drama in my life....wait, I still have drama in my life so what the hell is amiss? Oh yeah that's right! I had a freaking JOB! I am so sick and tired of job hunting! I swear if I get one more interview from a marketing firm that wants me to parade all over town selling office supply I will call on my ancestors to turn them into rats! I mean what else can I do? I am on Monster, I apply to everything, hell I will even be a fucking customer service rep! Just give me a JOB! I need health insurance, I need 401K, I need MONEY! To top up my frustration, I am taking statistics this semester! That shit is like college algebra phase two! in other word, GREEK! Einstein them were some disturbed MF who did not get laid to be coming up with this kind of crap! Bible study was great today, I learned something! Some new dude came and was blowing Shit out his ass! Why do people argue about obvious shit? Dupe's Aunt had a b'day party afterward and we all went there. I had one glass of booze and my bed was calling me so I split. I had a heated conversation with an old FRIEND today, it turns out I have alot more readers than I care for? Just to clarify this for the slow MOFOS amongst yall. (If you think its you, it probably is!) I DO NOT GIVE A FLYING FUCK WHAT ANYONE THINKS OF ME, IF I FEIGN CONCERN, IT IS BECAUSE I INHALED NAIL POLISH REMOVER! Okay on a happier note, My mum's birthday is in 10 days! I dont know what to get her...any suggestions? Till I blog again....ONE! ![]() ![]()