
Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Ok..early Momo dilemma

One girlfriend told me I had an inferiority complex, another said I am confident and bother line arrogant...which is it?
I do this self-evaluation every now and then because I am trying to be all that I can be :) (No..... not in the damn Army) but on the real...the qualities that I detest most in people I am being told that I possess. Arrogant...maybe but a complex.... NA!
That would mean that I see myself as less than other people, or feel inadequate? No... not me. Arrogant... perhaps, I can see how it may come across that way, but those that know me why know that I am as down to earth as they come. I certainly have no reason to be arrogant...shit my ass is 26.8 years old, single mama, unmarried and broke, what the hell do I have to be arrogant about? I am confident though, I can put my head up around big dogs, carry conversation with elites and mingle with doctors and engineers and not skip a beat. So how do I find a center? How do I not come across as arrogant? Hey I am a work in progress.
I am sure some are thinking “chicka.... why would you give a flying fuck?” My friend asked me this morning “ why are we always dissecting you?” I’ll share; like I wrote earlier I evaluate myself because I want to be certain beyond doubt that I rid myself of the very qualities that I see in other people that makes my skin crawl. Arrogance being the first! I know this one chick in New York, her arrogance is like WHOA, can’t stand the heifer, I am always sure to put her in her place and I always thank God we are not friends so I don’t have to deal with her pompous ass! So to think for one minute that might the aura I give off concerns me. So please let it be known that I have not only taken a bite...but have eaten the whole damn humble pie! Arrogant will not be one of my Sir, as for complex...forget about it!

Posted by Queenb :: 10:22 AM :: 3 comments

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