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Monday, July 18, 2005Random BanterSome sleeping dogs are better left lying…or (like someone told me recently) let the damn dog die! You search so hard and fervently for a truth you can’t handle? Why is that? You compromise your integrity for something you cannot change. I quote my modified version of the serenity prayer but I don’t practice what I preach. "God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me" I felt like the biggest fool today because I got past disgust and anger and disappointment and reality set in, there were series of woulda coulda, shoulda and other oulda relatives running through my head. I caught myself playing the victim again, “why me?” but then again …why not me? I reminded myself of this rather cliché fact EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON. There are no exceptions to the rule, it doesn’t go ‘Everything Bola wants happens for a reason’ or ‘Everything Bola needs happens for reason’ but EVERYTHING…the good, the bad, and the despicable. So I stopped beating myself up and I stopped thinking about what I could have done differently and I accepted what has been and I will focus on what will be. Pain and treachery are two things I don’t handle very well, but then again who does? I react quickly and get overly emotional, when in essence I should give it a day or two to settle and in the aftermath, thoughts are clearer and actions are less consequential. I am sure anyone reading this is baffled as to what the hell has my panties in a bunch now! My response…absolutely nothing…I have accepted what I can’t change! I have also learnt that: · No matter how hard you try, you cannot control another person’s action. · Do not expect people to behave the same way you would or did · No matter who you trust, someone will always disappoint you · There really IS a thin line between love and hate · Only YOU determine how people treat you · Memories are just that…they don’t hold water · Common sense is very scarce · Words are like eggs, once broken, you can’t put it back together · When something seems way to good to be true…it definitely is. · Wait till someone gets mad at you…. they reveal their true feelings. ![]() ![]()