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Thursday, September 15, 2005Failure!OMG!! I am not a politically inclined person, infact I think news is boring and depressing. I rather not know...period. I am neither a democrat nor republican or any of those other BS parties. I found out about the Psuanami (SPELLING?) like 3 days after it happened and about New Orleans like a couple days afterwards (My heart goes out to the victims). I found Barbara Bushes bit on New Orlean hilarious....Like Oh hell na she didn't! Its funny cause I am painting a visual on how Bush and his hommies are putting heads together for damage control! HAHAHA I don't have any opinion on the war in Iraq, except that people should stop joing the damn army! if there is no one in the army then Bush and Sadam would have squashed there beef a long time ago.... street style. I get really irritated when I see celebrities going to African countries to deliver AIDS ridden victims and VH1 feels the need to broadcast, like they do not have an HIV wards in DC or in Newyork...hell in American hospitals! I just do not appreciate the negative portrayal of Africa! I know alot of people would like to bite my head off for some of the ignorant statements I have just made, so I beg please forgive me...I dont know better. Anyway brings me to my point, my girlfriend sent me this email today, I would have deleted it but I was curious so I played along. It asked that I goole the word "failure" , I usually reserve my googling to digging up dirt on people and finding information, but I have never used it like this! Anywho I typed "failure" and guess who was first on the list? ..........................George Bush! Imagine that shit! LMAO!!! Are freaking kidding me? Our president? Okay so I am thinking this is some sort of a Hoax right?.... NOT!!! Its the official site for the white house!!! LMAO!!! I bet those google boys, who happen to own blogger, and picasa and all the little things I enjoy on the web, had a good ol time with this one. Hey can someone send Georgie a message that peewee called and he wants his brain back! LOLOLOL Aight I am done being silly, I just thought I'd share those random norins with yall! HEHEHEHE ![]() ![]()