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Friday, September 09, 2005Week ending 9/4/05I saw Crash this weekend; we have this $1.50 movie theater around my way so my and my under-aged buddies went out. I love to hang out with these chicks (Dammy, Oyinade, Lolade, Lola, and Peju) because they make me feel 20 again except when they raid my closet then it’s like having 10 little sisters at once! I try keep up though but these chicks have mad stamina but they keep me laughing so it’s all good. We had dinner at some Chinese Restaurant called PF Chang. About the crash movie…that shit stared racism in the face like WHOA! I mean I was ROTF when the little Chinese woman said "you step your blake too fast" and the Mexican girl was mocking her! And when the white dude was feeling that black chick up with her man right there, I was like Oh hell na!! It was a candid portrayal of racism AS IS…no sugar coating..walai! Go check it out! We went out to this club and for some weird reason the dance floor was now a seated area (my luck), so we sat around and ate Buffalo wings all night. We met the usual crowd there, Seyi, Dare, Dewunmi, Tuoyo and Dayo. They had even managed to drag Remi’s man up in the mix, and Tosin was in town as well so it turned into the same old shit different toilet. Ayo got married on Saturday, Remi’s mum bought me Gale at the last minute because she did not see why I didn’t buy one, to be honest I had no reason except that I have been paying way to much money for Aso Ebi and I really don’t wear native so I felt I didn’t need to buy one, besides I have been somewhat anti- social so I wasn’t particularly interested. I will admit though that we looked hella good once we finally put it together.
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