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Monday, August 29, 2005Say my name!!If this woman calls me Buuulak one more time! So help me, I will bitch slap her ass with my bare feet! How hard is it to say BOLA, I don told this heifer my name like 5 times now! And the last time she said "yeah..ok" like she could not be bothered with getting it right! I already shortened the damn name from 'Omobolanle' which is very generous on my part. Tomorrow morning, I will be sure to say "Hello Michael" her name is Michele....Hell if she can be bothered...Why should I? Takes me back t the days when I used to call myself Keisha Odegbami so the American folks would accept me in the innercaucus and not make fun of my name. My father almost had a stroke at my sixth grade graduation when they called 'Keisha Odegbami' to the podium...He stood up and corrected the error...Right there and then! The incident is still on the "Top 10 most embarrassing moments of my life"!!! Now that I am all grown up...and proud of who I am...some heifer wants to drag me down memory lane....Nonsense!!! ![]() ![]()