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Monday, August 15, 2005Let me tell yall bout my weekend!At the last minute I decided to go to MD with Kiwi for her aunt’s 40th birthday party. I figured I catch a ride to MD and if the party sucked I could hook up with my peeps. I had like 20 back-up plans. Apparently this was a 3-day affair, with events that covered the entire weekend. We headed out to MD with the Ashirus and got to the hotel at about 8pm. We checked into our rooms (courtesy Daddy Ashiru) and prepared for the extravaganza. MO and LA were in the area for some dry event and they met up with us. Kiwi’s mum hooked us all up with a mean as gale I named “Gbe nu soun” it was Fierce! That woman has a mean gale game…mad props! ![]() ![]() The party had all the Aristos MD could gather and then some.... it was bananas! The food was off the chain! You could tell this woman had some mad loot because her guest list included elites in all area codes. Ovation was in the house!! The party was very well organized with a fully equipped open bar for the drunkard in you. So I am standing there chatting with this dude and I was putting my mack game down right? LA called me and I excused myself for a second only to discover my removable bra strap had snapped loose and was on the floor! LA and the blokes I was talking to had witnessed the entire ordeal! I was crushed! I played it off like that shit wasn’t mine! Why do these crazy, unexplainable singularities only happen to me! I ran into some old school mates that I did not recognize and they were friendly enough to introduce themselves as we traveled down memory lane. Kiwi and I marveled as we watched these two ladies get sprayed mad dollars…. in their seat! I mean there was nothing remotely fabulous about these women; in fact they had a great resemblance to Michael Jackson but they just sat there and these well dressed men made their stops and lavished them with $$$$. One Alhaji even drop a Benjamin! For why na? Kiwi’s mum explained to us that perhaps they were concubines and friends of their borrowed men were acknowledging them! Lord, have mercy!! By 3AM, Deola was knocked out, Kiwi was being accosted by a group of 4-feet tall men and I was busy convincing this bald man that I was happily married! Moji ran into an old friend and was content and LA bid her goodbyes. We drove back to the hotel and we all agreed we had a fantastic time! We all crashed in record time. Sunday morning we rushed to get out of the hotel by noon. We decided to eat Chinese for breakfast; Kiwi is obsessed with some noodle thing at this ghetto joint. We drove there and she was right the food was like that! We stopped at Potomac Mills on our way home and did some `omo`rapala dances Fara thought us on the way home. I had an absolute blast. ![]() ![]()