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Friday, August 12, 2005Fat Chance...I was sitting here minding my business and I came across this blog discussing that show Fat Chance with Monique. Not much was said because the guy did not want to start a major controversy but since it’s my middle name, I will blow it wide open. My two cents on the show…absolutely ridiculous! How the hell do you go on TV and declare that it is ok to be overweight? It’s ok to be a size 24! It’s okay to make KFC your kitchen? I sooooo do not get it! Never mind the fact that you are more susceptible to diseases such as Diabetes, Arthritis, HBP amongst other, but have you seen our kids? My girlfriend and I ran into this little girl a couple weeks ago and she was HUGE! She said she was 14 years old! I nearly passed out! She had to be a size 22 at least! In summary, there is definitely a difference between being fat and being thick …(yes, I dare to thread these waters)! I don’t think obesity should be celebrated (are you frigging kidding me?) It is unhealthy period! (Then again so is smoking) But seriously… I don’t agree that you have to be a size 0 to be FABULOUS but shit, you shouldn’t be a size 24 either! I love me some Monique but she should be careful about promoting the idea of eating KFC 3x a day cause you feel like it! Don’t get it twisted, there are some unhealthy skinny heifers too but don’t promote it, don’t encourage it…. obesity is a disease…period! It aint cute, it aint fabulous, it is unhealthy…opari! You see children these days, 14years old weighing 250lbs! For why? I am glad only Oxygen aired FAT CHANCE; the idea of encouraging Obese America to ride on is scary! Disclaimer!!!! I am by no means a skinny girl and my preaching applies to me as well especially the part about unhealthy habits. I guess like every other fat sister I know, I am a work in progress. Related Article ![]() ![]()