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Tuesday, November 15, 2005What do you do when your mate is untrue?Yesterday’s post got mad responses; I had some folks call me up to add their two cents and some shy ones even emailed me. Good to know what folks think, the majority agreed though that it is possible and depending on the circumstances even inevitable….Hmmm very interesting indeed. Aight so today I have another question. What do you do when you find out your partner, lover, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife has been dipping on you? Do you cut the sucker off? Do you forgive and move on providing he/she doesn’t do it again? Does it matter if it’s with someone you know or is it better with a random no one. Please lets think before we speak because a lot of us front like our shit don’t stink and recite that lame mantra of a naïve man/woman. Let me paint a scenario so you catch my drift. You have invested time into a relationship, love for one another is not in question, temptation gets the better of your mate and they bologna bop (I just learnt that one, hehe) with someone else, you find out, they apologize sincerely do you: A) cut the sucker loose B) forgive and forget C) confront the outsider D) cheat as well and call it even I know it must be harder once you get married, I mean how you deal with this crap after you say your vows. A guy told me recently that you can still cheat on someone you love and it doesn’t take away from it…I beg to differ but if you do find out what do you do? How do you deal with it? As for me, I had a rule but I have come to find rules are not applicable to matters of the heart. ![]() ![]()