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Monday, November 07, 2005Thank God for Remi…the voice of reason.OMG I was mad today! Livid in fact and of course when I am that pissed I lash out on my keyboard and type furiously but Remi helped me regain my sanity and calmed my damn nerves, her and the pack of cigarettes I inhaled one after the other. We talked today like we hadn’t in ages and I realized that I jeopardized all that for NOTHING!!! Damn the veil was lifted and for that I give thanks to God. Mehn Therapists deserve every penny they earn cause I tell you when you can talk, you are half way there. So I called in reinforcement for Junebug since he is leaving in like 10 days and I was told my friend was hired only for our agent to call back and say that someone else got the damn job! I was upset about that too! But not as upset as I was earlier! I need anger management I swear, unless there is a calm person around me when I’m pissed, I tend to do the most irrational shit! (O God, please instill in me a spirit that is slow to anger…AMEN) See me see flying cows o! I was sitting at my desk jejely and trying to get some work done finally and this recruiter sends me an email to go for a break with, the following is what ensued; Recruiter: Wanna go for a break? Me: Na…kinda swamped right now but thanks Recruiter: Swamped? So swamped you cant take five? Me: Na ….I got mad work to do…maybe later Recruiter: Come on….just one cigarette, I even have my own this time Me: Its not about the cigarettes, I am really busy Recruiter: What Ever!!! Hooker Me: ?????? Recruiter: You are such a snob! I don’t even know why we are friends! Where in the?…what the? ..why? who? Huh??? Aight so please help me understand where I went wrong …and hooker? Emi Omobolanle? Kai!!! Oyinbo don kill me finish o! I was waiting for the punch line cause this is a joke right? For a few minutes, I though of a response, then I typed; Point of correction, we are not friends, we merely work together and as such I am not obligated to take smoke breaks with you, never mind the fact that we just took one 45 minutes ago! I do not appreciate you calling me anything other than my Government name so please refrain from the insults. In the future, I’d advise that you find someone else to keep you company in your idle time. I almost sent it then I remember that I’ve been told I come off as hostile and angry and I really don’t want to be that person anymore so instead I deleted it and did not respond. She came by my desk a few minutes before 5 and said “Listen, I was way out of line earlier and I apologize, I am just having a really bad day” I smiled and responded “ No problem” and it really wasn’t. Vexation of spirit is a waste of time, Negative thinking don't you waste your thoughts, Verbal conflict is a waste of word, Physical conflict is a waste of flesh( got that from Wale's blog) Lesson learned…. don’t sweat the petty things, pet the sweaty things (Is it just my dirty mind or does that have a sexual innuendo?) ![]() ![]()