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Tuesday, February 08, 2005See me see Wahala o!I listed my sofa and Love seat on Craigs List for Sale because, I am tired of them, I figured I would make enough money from the sale to buy something more traditional. Anyway so I get this email from a potential buyer: - Name is prof,OLAGUNDOYE SUNNY i saw your advert on web and i am interested in buying your item i am ready to pay you $1200 i am based in western africa get back to me if my offer is ok by you. Like i said earlier i am based in the Western africa. there won't be any probs about the shipment,after payment ,the pick up will be made at your place. i have made arrangements with the prepaid shipping company. As regards payment,this is what i am going to do;I have a client in the US who is owing me US 6,800 i would instruct him to make out a certified check to you in that amount and as soon as it clears your bank. you can now deduct your money from it and send me my balance,i will using use part of the money to pay for the shipping and other expenses .you will then send my balance by via western union money transfer.Although the value of the check is more than the asking price but i think i should be able to trust you with my balance. The reason why i am doing this is that it would take a check sent from over here in Nigeria 21days to clear over there,whereas a check sent from the! US would clear tops within 48hrs.So i would like you to deduct thewestern union charges from my balance.So if my terms are acceptable to you,i would like you to give me your full name,address and phone number so that i can instruct my client to make out the check to you. Pls get back to me as soon as you get this mail so that we can round things up in a timely fashion..i will be trusting in this business transaction. get back to me prof,OLAGUNDOYE SUNNY Imagine that! This guy wants to dupe me $6800! WTF do I look like? I decided I would reply him so I sent him an email telling him to find the nearest cliff and jump! I also called him a thief and threatened to forward his email, along with his IP address to the FBI. I couldn’t leave it there; I have this bad habit of letting things get to me so I decided to IM him since he was online. I asked him if he did not recognize that my first and last name was of Nigerian descent and why folks like him give the rest of us a bad name, he responded with a roaring laughter audible and asked me “so how I fit reach there?” curious I asked what he was talking about, and he said “ The US now, how person fit get there?” I told him to seek forgiveness from all the people he had duped of their hard earned money then perhaps God may take the lien off his Visa. He was livid, he told me to beg him before he kills me, then he started cursing me in Yoruba, chanting curses and told me I will drop dead soon. I called on the Blood of Jesus and I quoted a bible verse “ no weapon fashioned against me shall prosper”, then I blocked him from my contacts. I wonder how many victims of such frauds exist! At times like these, I am ashamed to be a Nigerian; those bloody crooks give us all a bad name! ![]() ![]()