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Friday, February 04, 2005So goooooooooood.....Hey yall! I am in a fantastic mood this evening, I can’t explain why! Maybe I slept on the right side of my bed, or could be that my self derived orgasm is working overtime! What ever it is, I feel great! I have not cussed anybody out today, I have not snapped, I am not angry, I am just fabulous!! Ok, so Remi found me a ticket to MD for $121! That was great fabulous because my ass was not trying to pay $200! Those that have been traveling will know what I mean. The heifer that relieves me from work has been on time since our little altercation last week… bless her heart. There is jut one thing that irks me though, it gets to me when people leave comments on my blog and do not leave their name, especially when its comments I’d like to respond to. I respect that some people are very private, but I am referring to the faceless cowards that hide behind the WWW, when doing their dirty work. I am the first to appreciate that OPINIONS are like an ASSHOLE, and everyone has one, but if you are going to say something behind a person’s back at least have the bra-strap or jock-strap to say it in their face! Ok, back to being pleasant, I will be going to Dupe’s house this evening for night vigil because I need Jesus! (Don’t we all?) To all the brothers in my hood, I will be moving downstairs on Saturday the 19th of February so I am asking for all the help that I can get…sisters too. Just show up at my crib on Saturday and I will make it worth your while! That’s right, jollof rice, chicken and goat meat will be served as refreshment! So holla at your girl…..ONE. ![]() ![]()