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Friday, March 11, 2005Live in Peace (LIP)Do you wonder what people would say about you if you weren't present and they knew it couldn’t get back to you? Or even what they wouldn’t say? What they thought? What they wrote in private? I read about an exercise that helps you get a clear window into the thoughts of others concerning you. It may sound morbid but the idea is to write your own obituary, it doesn’t indicate you have some hidden desire to die or what no, rather, it is for you to see yourself as others see you. Think of someone you think loves you; another you know hates you, a jealous one, a relative, a close friend, and lastly a mere acquaintance. Write down in one word each one would use in describing you, and then write your obituary as you think each person would. If you are honest in this exercise you would find people have some thoughts about you, you never knew. It will help you understand why people are the way they are and to never take anything at face value. It will also help you understand why people say certain things to you and what those things mean. I got the opportunity to hear the inner thoughts of someone I love, and my findings were somewhat disturbing, I found that the things I thought were sacred were not such a big deal, the words that rang true were just lies, and most importantly what I wanted wasn’t something I needed. Before you discount my experiment for its morbidity...... try it first.