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Thursday, November 17, 2005As my faith is tested.....Aight today’s discussion is promised to be very controversial but let me state my disclaimer so it does not turn into a personal attack. I am a Christian, I believe in God, I believe he died for my sins, I also believe NO ONE has the right to judge me or doubt my righteousness but God. I believe being a Christian is having a personal relationship with God. I am a sinner, I acknowledge that so let he who is without sin caste the first stone. Having said that…I’ll get on with my discussion, or rather, a question that has been troubling me since last Thursday. I contemplated not discussing it but I am flesh so my curiosity won the battle. So I was on my way to my part-time job as a Marlboro girl and my supervisor who happens to be 22, was talking about religion. He stated that he was not an atheist but he did not have a particular religion. I felt the need to introduce him to Jesus. Told him the word says “Jesus is the way, the truth and the light” and “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” He looked at me as if I somehow made sense to him then he said “Bola do you believe in dinosaurs” I was like what does that have to do with becoming a Christian but I indulged him and said “yes we have the bones in the museum to prove it”. Then he asked “how long do you think they existed?” I told him I had no clue, I failed my evolution class. “According to evolutionists, their remains and fossils proved that they lived about 140 million years and they became extinct 65 million years ago” he offered. I was getting bored with his evolution garbage so I asked “there is a point to this right?” then he asked me what was my guide and my reassurance that Jesus is the way, the truth and the light. I told him the bible said so and the bible was inspired by God. He threw me off with his next question. “If you believe in Christ and the foundation of your belief is the words written in the Bible, how then do you explain Genesis? I was like huh? Then he went on to say “According to the bible ‘In the beginning God created heaven, and earth and the sun and the waters and plants and animal and man; man had dominion over all the land the plants and the animals right? I nodded in agreement “If all of this took place in seven days, where are the dinosaurs? Please note that the average dinosaur weighed about 40 tons and stood 20 feet high, so man and dinosaurs could not co-exist, the bible makes no mention of dinosaurs and even when Noah built that ark, there was no dinosaur in there so how do you explain that” he continued. “If in fact dinosaur were long extinct before man then the bible’s account of the beginning is Bogus and if man and dinosaurs co-existed why was such an enormous animal not mentioned in the bible?” I was not sure what do say or how to answer his question, I was not even sure it was my place to try and explain it so I said “being a Christian is having faith, and faith is believing in things you can’t explain” I was obviously getting aggravated so we dropped it, but I cant help but wonder if he had a point somewhere in his misguided ignorance if there a valid basis for his questions. ![]() ![]()