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Tuesday, December 13, 2005Are you a good blogger?I read a very interesting topic on Ore's Blog about blogging and she offered tips about being a good blogger. I don’t know if I want to be a good blogger, I blog because for me its therapy, it used to be my safe haven to pour out my thoughts and let those without bias into my world. These days it’s more of an entertainment avenue for me but sometimes I want to write something so bad but I can’t because almost everyone I know reads my blog and I will definitely hurt some feelings. Oh how I really want to blog about the chick who betrayed me and the heifer who copies me and the fake ass who talks about me behind my back and smiles in my face and the cowards that sent me a text message from an unknown destination. I especially want to blog about the guy who broke my heart and the one who wants to marry me despite my faults and the one I hate to love and that one dude that has remained in my radar through it all. I really want to blog about what I did last night. I want to blog about my sorrows and how it hurts to not be what you envisioned at age 14. I want to blog about my spending habits and the friendships I question. I want to blog about the girl that looks like a baboon and the one with a jacked up hairdo and the one that looks like she gets dressed in the dark. Oh how I want to blog about that insecure chick that is so so cute but has an ugly complex. And the guy that made a pass at me though he’s got a girl and I really want to blog about my plans for the future. I want to blog about those who mistreated me and those who dare to judge me without taking a good look at themselves first. I really feel the need to blog about the pompous asswipe that had so much shit to say about me and hadn’t even met me. I want to blog about the ones that lied to me and those that repeatedly take my kindness for a weakness and use it to their advantage. I want to blog about my weakness and compromising my principles. I really want to blog about my family and how we’ve grown apart. I want to blog about my dream and where I see myself in a few years. I probably should blog about my fear of the unknown and how sensitive I am. I want to blog about my addiction and what I am doing about it. The list goes on and on….but instead; I settle for metaphors and hypothetical rants because I refuse to be that faceless coward I detest so much. ![]() ![]()