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Wednesday, December 07, 2005Hair or Wig?Inspired by Anon, I felt this was definitely a subject to be discussed. Hair maintenance is very important for women. Granted we all have our bad hair days but on the real we need to keep our hair on point. About six months ago I had a hair mishap and I applied glue to my hair thinking it was remover. I ended up shaving my entire skull Kojak style! Thankfully the look was not bad and I had the balls to wear it. Hair has not always been my strong suit as per I have none. The first mistake women make is trying to perm their hair at home….a big No No Then we sit in the mirror for hours trying to curl the shit….more like fry the rest of the hair we have. Then there are those makeshift weave you had your hommie put in for you, leaving you looking like beauty shop reject…..NA Let me not get started on the pony tails….that is so 80s! you slap on all the gel in the world and clip on some extension that is very obviously not yours! If you have a receding hairline….please do not get cornrows going all back…it just aint cute. And O my God those wigs…don’t get me started on the wigs from hell! I was stuck wearing a wig for about 3months because I got a new job and I did not want to seem too afro centric with my bald head lest I scare the white folks so on my way to the interview I bought a wig and slapped it on. I got the job and I was stuck with the wig for the 3 months my assignment lasted! That was horrid!!!! The reality of it is if you want to keep your do on point, you have to invest in it, or could sport a low cut and texurize it as long as its not pubic hair coarse like mine! Or you could do an Afro and keep it natural, if you gat some Indian in ya family. Get your perm regularly and professionally Get a trim with the perm. Use good hair product…stay away from Dax and alcohol based Oil sheen Minimal use of heat Moisturize your mane. Wash it regularly…there is nothing cute about smelly hair! Try Pantene for black folks…off the shizzle! Tie a scarf when you sleep. There are several other horror hair stories but feel free to add yours. ![]() ![]()