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Tuesday, November 29, 2005Thankgiving weekendThanksgiving started a bit early for me, after all I have a lot to be thankful for. I left work early on Wednesday still feeling a bit woozy from the flu I caught last weekend but I will spare yall the details. I took some Nyquil and some Theraflu and went nigh nigh. Thursday I decided to spend the day house hopping with Remi, her brother was in town so I went down to her house to see him; Back in Naija, I had a major crush on this dude, largely because he ignored the hell out of me! But now that I am all grown up…he has moved on and is happily married!!! Story of my life!! (Brother Folabi…it was great to see you again!) we ended up going to Remi’s Uncle’s house. As usual I ended up playing Chef boladeee, we went back to Remi’s house to get dressed and we rolled out for the night. I had mad fun, it was nice to spend the evening with all my favorite people. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Day 1 of no sleep: I did not go to sleep on Friday, instead I allowed Dare to drag me to Comp USA for an early start on Black Friday. I ended up getting a digital camera! YES YALL! I finally have my very own digital camera!( Remi…maybe you can get me the case and SD card for it?) We spent the rest of the day roaming the mall, buying all kinds of foolishness. Dammy decided that she wanted to hang out on Friday as a before party for her scheduled RaRa on Saturday so I quickly washed up and got ready for our big outing. Day 2 of no sleep: Dayo picked me up and we went to this Moroccan joint were you sit on the floor and inhale flavored tobacco; I was soooo trying to be open minded but warahel? I was done after about five minutes and we changed venue to this hotspot called Office. I had an amazing time wilding out! We finally headed home after about 4 hours of undiluted techno and oldschool. I could not sleep the rest of the night, I had managed to accompany my flu with a crises! After about 2 hours of self-medicating I needed to go to the hospital! If I did not get a shot of vicodin soon, I cannot be held responsible for my actions! I opted for a govt hospital because my ghetto ass has no health insurance. After the usual drill I was given fluids intravenously to hydrate my ass and then a milligram of diludid with benadryl and they took blood samples for my lab. After about an hour, the doctor returned with my labs to tell me that I do not have sickle cell therefore she will have to discharge me. WTF! I guess this is the part where I should be grateful that by some miracle, a disease I have nursed for 27 years has mysteriously left my blood! I would except for the tiny fact that I was in Crises at that very moment!!!!! Dare told me of a cousin of his who went through the same phenomenon…hmmm, I will need a second opinion before I break out the courvoisier. Anywho I went home to rest for a few hours before I start Day 3 of no sleep: Dammy was downstairs freaking out because there was no one to cook for her party, I couldn’t let my baby gir down so I went Rambo in the kitchen, delegating like an award winning chef and cooking Jollof rice, fried rice and chicken in record time. I took my leave and retired to my very inviting bed. I woke up around 1:30 from the sound of my vibrating water closet and the random YEEEE!! YAAAAAAAHHHH! coming from the floor below me. I jumped in the shower and dressed quickly and made my way downstairs. It was pitch black and I could hardly find my way to the door! Where are my damned cigarettes and who are all these people? I saw some familiar faces in the kitchen and I found a spot to sit and observe the most jumping party I have seen in my entire time in Raleigh. I went ouside with some friends to see the maze of cars in my otherwise calm and quiet Oyinbo neighborhood. Hell! Imma be evicted come Monday!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() For more pictures click here: It was quite an evening and even though I felt like crap I had major fun. The last guest left at about 4:30am then Dammy and her friends cleaned up my entire crib. My walls are all messed up with grinding marks and my carpet is in dire need of a steam clean; I have 15 bags of trash out back for trash day and not a single thing in my frigerator to eat or drink. But other than that..It was a great weekend!! Happy Birthday to my baby girl Dammy…I lu you boo!!! ![]() ![]()