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Thursday, December 15, 2005The Ho Ho Virus...In the name of Christmas....So what if I caught a bit of the HO HO Virus this year! I am usually the Christmas grinch and I was so enjoying my title until my co-workers blackmailed me into this Secret Santa BS. So today I got a gift card to chick-fil-a…that is just sad! They know my hefty ass stay hungry! People were getting snowballs, candy, mugs and other HO HO paraphernalia but nooooo…give the African girl some food! you know they are starving in her country LMAO!! I aint mad though…..I will be cashing in on my gift card any minute now!! HEHE and I wonder why I can’t shed the extra 10 lbs that has taken permanent residence on my butt! Okay so as a tradition, I post this same entry come Christmas. This christmas you're all getting forks I've stolen from numerous restaurants with a note attached saying: if anyone asks, you didn't get this from me. So there, or better yet, I'll give you stolen napkins cus I may be able to milk some money out of that homeless guy down the street for those forks...sorry. But this year, imma be nicer and actually give a gift to the person that gets the highest score on my “what have you learnt about Dqueenb” questionnaire. Just post your answers in the comment section. ****To all my anonymous Domo’s……eh you can’t win if I don’t know who the hell you are! **** What have you learnt about QueenB 1. When is my birthday? 2. What is my favorite food? 3. What is the one thing I would change about my self? 4. What is my favorite slang? 5. What is my fetish? 6. What is my greatest fear? 7. List 6 of my best friends 8. One thing you know about me that no one else knows 9. What is Omolayo’s middle name? 10. Who is my celebrity crush? (Pick One) Taye Diggs, Djimon Hounsou, Ashton Kutcher, Mos Def, 2face ***My boss just passed by and told me I was doing a great job! Hmmm if he only knew? HEHEHE ![]() ![]()