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Tuesday, February 28, 2006ATL baby!!Been too long mehn, I am soooooo busy, its sick! I don’t even have time to go to lunch! and by the time I get home, I am toast, I just want to eat dinner and crash! Which is why I went out of my way this past weekend to go to ATL with may favorite folks. We drove down to ATL Friday night 6 hours mehn! We dropped Princess O off with my girl Imade, who has two kids of her own and we went straight to some place 2face was playing at, I was too tired to go in and it was practically over because folks were coming out as we arrived. Omolayo wanted an autograph but some chick told us it would cost an additional $10 to get one, Princess O will be just fine. I quickly scribbled 2face on a napkin and stuffed it in my purse….. hell what does she know? We checked in the hotel after driving to IHOP, it was straight crowded in that micky flick…Oh hell na, like 50 people waiting to be seated! My baby girl Dammy was upset with Mama B because she was craving some pancakes, but she’ll be aii. I found this 24 chinese joint call Buddah something, we ordered some food and it was nasty as hell, but we ate the hell out of it and crashed. On Saturday, we did the whole breakfast thing in the hotel lobby, I tell yall Marriot has the best breakfast mehn! We stuffed our faces and headed out. LP and D, dropped Dammy and I at Ikea and we went bananas. It was nice to hang out with Dammy, even though she is a major pain in my butt, we have the same flare for interior décor so we played house for the next couple hours. LP and D joined us and we hit Lenox mall. D was sooooo mad because he was done after like 20 minutes but we ended up staying for 4 hours! LOL I split from the group for like 15 minutes to find a top but if you ask them I was gone for over an hour! Thank God I had the damn keys or the MOFOs would have left my ass! HEHE. Busola called me to tell me about her cousin’s shindig for her man and it sounded good to me so we crashed the joint. Turns out it was the same shindig Funmi invited us to. I was impressed with the ambiance, the food was absofuckinglutely fabulous! I told my folks to eat quickly before they realized we were not on the guest list. The celebrants’ girl looked chassis, in her black satin number and she was very accommodating despite our dropping by. We mingled for a little while and for once we all agreed it was time to jet. Apparently there was another party, but I was so done! I told the other’s I would be right back and I turned in for the evening. Dammy and VP followed my cue and we hit the sack. ***Ok confession*** I don’t know what it was, probably the Buddah Chinese but I was farting up a storm! I figure I tell on myself before D, LP and Damide come spill the beans!! On sunday we did the elaborate breakfast thing again and D went off to church! AS IF!! We checked out at noon and headed to Imade’s house to hang out with her for a bit and watch Yoruba movies! She made us fried rice and Oby and her friends come there as well. We headed back to NC at about 4 and made it to LP’s crib just in time for Grey’s Anatomy!! It was a fantabulous weekend!!! ![]() More Pictures attached. ![]() ![]() Wednesday, February 22, 20062 Face is doing big things!!Okay probably stale news but I am so tickled! Our very own 2face, a Nigerian artist is doing major things these days. Baby boy did a track with Wyclef and I will be damned! I was at the movies the other day, went to see ‘Something New’ and while we were watching the previews I heard African queen! The national anthem for Naija chicks in recent days! As in it’s a sound track for Monique’s new movie FAT GIRLS! ![]() ![]() I was stoked mehn. I started calling folks up to tell them about it. What a tremendous achievement for 2face! Baby boy is getting paid…in dollars! Not only did Baby boy make history by being the first artist to win the Best African Act award at the 2005 MTV Europe Music Awards but now the big screen! God is good mehn…. I tell you stay true to your talents, if groomed properly it may be your means to an end. So I am going to start panting again, write more poetry and work on my book…2 chapters down….38 to go. Mad props to 2 face, lets support our own once this movie hits theaters, and I mean full price adult ticket ni o, no student ID and certainly no black market cops from the barber shop! ![]() ![]() Tuesday, February 21, 2006HI5For about 8 odd months now I have been on HI5, I joined accidentally, well actually because I got numerous invitations to join by other members and I felt once I did they would stop sending me the damn invites. Once I became a member, I noticed I found a bunch of folks I had lost touch with, some as far back as high school! There was even this American chick I went to High school with, Dee and we were like Thelma and Louis back then (Northwest High!!!), she just sent me and email and wam! After 15 years we were reunited once again! Then there are the random love letters, I am sure the ladies can attest to this, from Mukaila and all of his cousins that want to wife you but don't know you! That shit reminds me of Naija movies 'I love you, talk your own'! How random!!! Am very happt to come across someone like u in my Network place , i will be very grateful if u can accept my offer to be a friend of urs in Hi5 . Am Prince Adebola HAppy Val AND ..... HELLOOOOOO....................I BELEIF YOU ARE.........................PULLING ON SMARTLY................WITHOUT MUCH OBSTACLE...................AMEN........................I SAW YOUR PROFILE INFACT..........................I LOVE IT 4 REAL........................AND I WILL PWANT YOU TO GIVE ME A SHOUT OUT..................ON MY NUMBER..................234802******..........................AM BOLAJI BY NAME.........................THANKS AND GOD BLESS YOU 4 REAL.................................BOLAJI AND ....... Hello , Bola...This is olawale here from nigeria ..just see u in my group and i love everything about ur profile .. Wish to know u more better as a nigerian Stay kool Olawale AND MY PERSONAL FAVORITE ....... Hey gal, You are finer that gold, I wish to be your husband, I will take care of you, I work in a bank, you make me happy, you remind me of mumsy, I love your dorter call me at 079313****** Are these folks bananas? I mean How can someone you dont know make you happy? There is more random shit fa real but I will spare yall. So... besides the fact that HI5 is a great place for folks you've lost touch with to find you, can you really meet a significant other there? Can true friendship be formed on HI5? I have certainly made a bunch of great friends via the web but HI5? I dunno o! ![]() ![]() Monday, February 20, 2006Next!!I sat back and absorbed all of the comments emails and cheap shots thrown my way both positive and negative and it’s all good. I definitely needed to hear it and it put things into perspective. I was Daft, I should have held my peace but not responding would have been so out of character that I did not mind making a fool out of myself in the process. I am glad it happened though; it was a real eye opener as to what was sooo obvious to everyone but me. I have not responded to any comments, I doubt I will but who knows. Blogging has been a form of therapy for me from jump and it will continue to be. My silence the past few days has been mainly because I wanted to see how all this would unfold. I have made my peace and I am so ready to move on. So moving on….my weekend was quite interesting! I was invited to be a judge for the African competition between three schools UNC, NC State and UNC Pembroke. It was cool, it kinda took my mind away from everything else and I particularly enjoyed the fashion show. I had all my folks over last night and we watched Desperate Housewives and Grey’s Anatomy! Mehn that doctor was QQQQQUUUUUUTTTTEEE!!! I mean GOOD GAWD!! Omo in my opinion that is the best show on TV man, for real! I made buka stew and erryone ate and we chilled till about midnight. Now I am pissed that I am sooo tired. As if I don’t have enough going on, work is getting more ill by the minute, it is mad hard to learn something new and keep up but I am trying my best. I don’t like the fact that I am always busy though, well maybe it’s good, because I had way too much time on my hands! It’s definitely an adjustment. My boss reminds me that I have only been in my new role 2 weeks and it bothers him that I am so hard on myself! I guess that’s good he doesn’t see me as slacking. Anywho…Let me get back to work. Thanks again for all your 2 cents!! ![]() ![]() Thursday, February 16, 2006No More Drama!!My blog was deleted yesterday and at first I was in awe then I was mad becaus I could not understand how codes could be written to delete shit! But now I am glad it was, cause it was unnecessary and childish not to mention mean and irrational. I am sure alot of you were entertained and many dissapointed. I meant every word on the entry but like I stated my intention was not to disrespect any of the girls...well except one! I even got a death threat from Dare yesterday, he wants to kill me and himself, sound like crime of passion to me! And he broke down my door! as in kunfu style! LOL I aint scared though so brinhg on the AK! LOL Anywho, I am over this, but now I am beefing with BLOGSPOT because how the hell can an entry be deleted. He just called one of his genius boys up and BAM! My post was gone, damn! I should studied IT! To everyone I involved in my drama...So Sorry! Anger is a bitch man! I am seriously taking Anger management classes this summer. And to all the pep talks and emails....thanks a bunch! Remi, I know I don't listen to u, hell I don't listen to anyone. I also know that you don't support my behavior but you proved yourself yet again to be a true friend! Dayo and Tuoyo...I just love yall! Thenks for slapping some sense into me. This too shall pass! ![]() ![]() Wednesday, February 15, 2006Valentine 06It was Nice!! We really had a nice time. We all went out to this bar and ate wings and did shots, enough to be tipsy for the blatant fools we made of ourselves at the Kareokee bar! Omo you should have seen us, we vexed all the patrons cause we refused to leave the stage, there was this really hot white boy I sang to, damn I wish I had a picture! Even Ade and Funmi(shyest MOFOS) were on stage doing their thing! We enjoyed eachother's company without a worry in the world! Happy valentines day yall and thanks for sharing it with me! Hopefully next year we'll be in the arms of our MENZES!!! Check out the pictures! ![]() ![]() Monday, February 13, 2006Dem wan kill me o!OMG! I swear I feel like screaming this evening! I am mad tired!!! My job is drving me bananas, I opened up my email this morning and I had 247! Then I listen to my voicemail and I had 14! At freaking 9am, 14 voice mails! I was so busy I even had o bounce my married man(LMAO) when he called, even though I sooo wanted to talk!!! Omo it's not easy o! So I left work at 5:45pm and I am tired as hell! But I thank God sha, at least I have a job, don't want to come across as an ungrateful MOFO! This weekend was DRAMAFUL mehn! Unwarranted drama, but the second I decided to chilax and stop tripping it got better, I tell you I am in desperate need of Anger Management!! OMG yall shoulda seen me on Sunday!! I shocked the hell out of myself in church! We had this Yoruba culture presentation and I had a part that was so out of character for me but mehn I kiled it. I had to praise God in yoruba, half the shit I said I did not understand but it felt really good. I am glad I was a part of it. I have pictures but I'll post later. I left after our presentation and headed home to cook for the Single and Strong meeeting I was bullied into hosting(LOL). We talked about SEX! imagine discussing sexual abstinence with both the Pastors wife present! I felt like they saw what I did last Summer! Omo it was wierd!!! Anywho I hung out at Remi's for a minute and went back home. Gbemi, a friend that just moved to Raleigh, came by to spend the evening; we watched Desperate Housewives, which has no substance BTW, I just love seeing Eva Longsomething...she is hot to death! No I am not gay but I give props to my fellow female who deserves it! So this evening, Imma snuggle up in front of my TV, watch 24, eat Rice and Buka stew and have phone sex!! (Note to self: Bola, you stupid!!!) Peace QB ![]() ![]() Saturday, February 11, 2006In RetrospectI have been thinking.... I have decided to delete my latest post because my reaction was expected, and I guess everyone had taken front row seat for the drama to begin..I am sorry to disappoint yall, I have raised my white flag. People in your life will disappoint you but how you let it affect you is your decision.... so I have decided, it won't affect me. My voice of reason spoke to me and made me realize that just because I am expected to react and stoop to the level of imbeciles that lack morals (sorry I couldn't resist ;)), does not mean I need to oblige. So on that note...I am done! Thursday, February 02, 2006The result of boredomOn my way out to dinner, but I did not like the fact that I hadnt blogged. I am stuck in an hotel room in Orlando (alone) and nothing to do! I miss my North Kakilaki Mehn! I miss my Princess O! Hell, I even miss my neighbor! Its only be two days and it feels like a damn week! I will be home tomorrow sha and then I can return to my routine. I sooo thought this trip was going to be mad fun but Omo, I just wanna sleep and watch some HBO (you know my ghetto ass only have basic cable!) **Side track** There was this dude in the lobby last night...Lord have mercy! this broda was all kinda fyne! He even gives Boris a run for his money and what stood out about him was his carribean accent! OK,kill me now! I mean Dayum!!!**back on track** Aight, as I was saying, this is one boring trip and to make matters worse, I have an ear ache! you know from the pressure and crap. This sweet lady picked me up from the airport, took me to dinner and then drove me to my hotel. And she paid for dinner too! Thanks mami!!! Great o,because I don told these folks I aint expensing shit! You aint gonna tie my damn money up for four weeks! hell to the NO. Okay I will fill yall in on any other exciting thing that happens at dinner...I so doubt there will be but lets be hopeful......later! ![]() ![]() Wednesday, February 01, 2006Good GAWD!!!![]() Damn this Man is HAT! Can I hear a AMEN!!! ![]() ![]()