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Wednesday, April 05, 2006MD baby!!MD was like that this weekend, even though my gurl Mo was not in town, it was still mad cool. We dropped Remi off with her man and Ade and I crashed at a friend’s crib, how about it started raining right when we got there and our dos got undid! I was upset man but its all good. We raided his fridge and crashed. On Saturday, Ade and I met up with E, since we were already in Laurel, then we dropped Omolayo off with her dad, yes o! I allowed him to see her, the environment had been very unhealthy for us all but it has gotten alot better. How about Omolayo was missing her mama, she was calling me every 5 minutes to tell me she missed me and loves me! Omolayo Omo iya e! Aight so, I met up with my dawg Lola at starbucks and we all decided to go to dinner at my favorite restaurant LEX CAJUN GRILL, E and his friend joined us. The food was as excellent as I remembered and everyone was in agreement. If you are ever in DC fa real check it out and I recommend the Bourbon Shrimp or chille chicken...damn!! So after dinner E insisted we go to crossroads, I have never been and I wasn’t particularly looking forward to it but I was with my friends and they were down so why not? Besides E and I had never been to a club together before. Mehn talk about ghetto! Some old school dude tried to holla at me in his Maybach, I didn’t even realize he was hollering when he told me to come here. Naija toasting level!! I told him I was there with my man and I couldn’t give out my number. He seemed annoyed and irritated that my so-called man was at least 20 years younger and he sped off! LMAO!! We peeped the club and E told us how someone had died there a year ago and we decided we were really not up for it. We decided to call it a night. I had totally forgotten about my previous plans to hook up with Dayo’s friend. He called again and we decided to go out with him, with the exception of my best pig that had a curfew! We dropped Remi off at Babi’s and rolled out; by the time we got back to DC everything was closed. Adams Morgan was a riot; everybody and their ancestors were in the streets, cops everywhere, folks were drunk, it was wild! Some dude tried to pick Lola up claiming he was a fellow Nigerian!! LMAO More like Ethiopian and Chiwawa mix! Anyway we headed back to my friend’s crib at about 5 am. Thank God he had given us a key because he would have cursed us Ondo style fa real! We crashed and woke up around noon on Sunday. Ade and I had breakfast at about 2 pm! Yes o!! Thanks to Bob Evans we went back to my friend’s house and Niyi came by to see us, I was on round two of my sleepathon. We met up with Wally at Borders where he was hanging out, working on his laptop and sipping coffee, I tried that a little while back, I certainly read a lot more then and had less drama but these days…. na! Wally is moving to Cali mehn! He got a gig with a communication giant and he’ll be running things!!! We scooped Omolayo and headed to the baby shower Remi’s invited us to. We ate again and made merry then headed to Uncle Timi’s house, it was Tioluwa’s birthday. We left MD at around 9pm and headed back to Raleigh. My back was killing me, I was hurting really bad! I drove barely 2 hours then I pulled over and we napped. Ade drove the rest of the way home. I crashed at Remi’s crib for the evening. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()