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Thursday, December 22, 2005Merry ChristmasAs the year comes to an end I can’t help but acknowledge the great things God has done for me, many of which I haven’t deserved but you know how merciful my Savior is. I am blessed with a family that loves me, a child that adores me and friends that make my life worth living. I have a roof over my head clothes on my back, and food on my table. I am in good health and high spirits and to God be the glory. I like to thank everyone in Blogville for the love, the hash truths and the laughs we’ve shared….you make blogging worth while. I want to thank my dearest friends the fabulous 6 you know who you are. I appreciate you for all you do to make my world alright. I even want to thank the haters, your existence validates me. I want to thank E ….baby you have been a true friend and I appreciate you and all you do. Charles….I know I am the biggest pain in your butt but I am glad you came into my life. Omolayo dear…baby, I love you, you are my life, the happiest moments aren’t complete if you aren’t by my side (beyonce), I am glad God chose me as a vessel to give you life, I love you more than anything and anyone in this world and I pray that you will make me proud. A special holiday shout out to my brother Gbolahan….I am glad you reached out and I am sorry I missed out on your life, I will do my part to make sure we stay family. To my sister Nikky…I am sorry for everything, regardless of how far apart we drift….know that I will always love you. Oyin and Gbemi….yall know I have mad love for you and I am soooo glad we are blood. Elisa…May God bless you as you have blessed me and embarrass the hell out of you with His Grace and Mercies. Mummy dearest….you are my rock, my role model, I would be most grateful to God if I can be half the woman you are, your endurance and integrity is remarkable…you are everything I hope to be! Thank you Dare, for all you’ve taught me, I hope the New Year brings you good tiding and you find everything you are looking for. To my babies, Lolade, Dammy and Oyinade….I am sooo proud of yall and I pray God will guide you in your paths always. I hope I didn’t forget anyone…if I did…get over it! Hehehe Yall have a Merry Christmas!!! ![]() ![]()