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Friday, January 13, 2006Stop stealing ma shit!!Okay…I know it should not be this serious and no one is earning salary for this blogging crap, hell it’s a hobby, an avenue for releasing stress and letting people into your world. Keyword here is YOUR. It has come to my attention that people lack originality, they copy your style, your words and some just steal a whole fucking paragraph and claim it as their own. da hell? I mean come the fuck on? If you have nothing to write about give it some damn rest, the way to attract readers and get your counter up is not by IMITATING but rather ORIGINATING….do something different….hell be yourself!. Consciously or unconsciously it is human nature to seek attention, I will be the first to admit I will say anything just to get the shock factor on people's faces! Back at my old blog Blogspot, you were rated on the amount of folks that hit your blog and you even get some cheese from ads placed on your blog. There was this dude there, I helped him get started, introduced him to the bloggy blog world, he did me proud, he always had my attention, I would be on his page first thing in the morning just to see what was up, before I knew it he was number one and I was his biggest fan. Come to find out he “borrowed” some of his material from other writers and was caught with his pants down! Well... he couldn’t be prosecuted or anything but mehn he got so much negative feedback he closed shop….never to resurface in blogville again! Moral of the story….do your own thing, stop biting off others, it starts with a line and before you know it you are rewriting their stories and making it look like you have some sense, only a matter of time before you get caught. The other day I was talking to a friends and she told me about the shameless attempt of some bold heifers to steal her job. It was funny to me because folks need to realize the only thing that sets you apart from the rest is your INDIVIDUALITY and ability to be UNIQUE! **Side track** this other beesh was laughing at me when I got my braids done…said it was too tight and cost too much money…I ignored her monkey ass….please tell me why said beesh called me the other day to get the number to the braid gallery where I got my do did…..LMAO!!! If you absolutely must lift something from someone…give them the props they deserve and give credit where due. For all you culprits, consider this a warning and seize and desist from stealing ma shit! Next time it’s gonna be Ugly, Imma name names and post links! Like my girl Yetti would say….WOOOSAAA and there you have it! ![]() ![]()