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Tuesday, December 27, 2005I see cheap people!!!!!!!Hmmm… Merry Christmas and all that stuvs! Finally our Christmas Party at work on Thursday! Anywho…. I did not win the nano at work…some other story won so I was a bit disappointed. My Secret Sante gave me a huge jar of candle and a candle warmer…I love it! We were told to bring an extra gift between $15 to $20 for Dirty Santa…incase you’ve never heard of Dirty Santa, I will explain. Everyone brings a wrapped gift with about the same value, in this case $15-$20. We then draw numbers to see who gets to go first. There were 25 people that decided to participate, #1 goes and picks a gift, unwraps it for all to see and then #2 can either take #1’s gift or pick a new gift from under the tree. #3 can take either #2 or #1’s gift or get a new gift etc until we get to #25 who can take any of the 25 gifts or take the last one under the tree. Once another person takes your gift, you must go and pick a new one under the tree. #1 gets to go again at the very end and take any of the 24 gifts the others have…..gerrit? Anywho I was #8 and I took #1’s smoothie maker, I have always wanted one and I figured all the Oyinbo’s probably had one. I was pleased with my choice and sat down only for #12 to come and snatch my smoothies maker!!! I now had to go get another gift from the tree…..and lo and behold…it was a bottle of Lucky Brand perfume! Did I mention it was a tester bottle? As in the fucking sample size! As in 00.17 ounce! As in Hell to the NO!!! Arrrgggghhhh! It really, really, really, bothers me when folks do shit like this! I mean come the fuck on!!! Let me just add that participation in dirty Santa was optional and the rules were clearly stipulated o! Why in the hell would anyone be such a cheap ass! I continued to look in the bag because I was sure there had to be more to this gift. I could not hide my disgust at the trifling ass that even bothered! ![]() This is actual size O! ![]() The actual look on my face! That heifer was trying to mess with my ho ho sensation…I aint let her though, shuuu I went to the mall and bought myself a big bottle of Isi Miyaki ![]() ![]()