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Tuesday, February 28, 2006ATL baby!!Been too long mehn, I am soooooo busy, its sick! I don’t even have time to go to lunch! and by the time I get home, I am toast, I just want to eat dinner and crash! Which is why I went out of my way this past weekend to go to ATL with may favorite folks. We drove down to ATL Friday night 6 hours mehn! We dropped Princess O off with my girl Imade, who has two kids of her own and we went straight to some place 2face was playing at, I was too tired to go in and it was practically over because folks were coming out as we arrived. Omolayo wanted an autograph but some chick told us it would cost an additional $10 to get one, Princess O will be just fine. I quickly scribbled 2face on a napkin and stuffed it in my purse….. hell what does she know? We checked in the hotel after driving to IHOP, it was straight crowded in that micky flick…Oh hell na, like 50 people waiting to be seated! My baby girl Dammy was upset with Mama B because she was craving some pancakes, but she’ll be aii. I found this 24 chinese joint call Buddah something, we ordered some food and it was nasty as hell, but we ate the hell out of it and crashed. On Saturday, we did the whole breakfast thing in the hotel lobby, I tell yall Marriot has the best breakfast mehn! We stuffed our faces and headed out. LP and D, dropped Dammy and I at Ikea and we went bananas. It was nice to hang out with Dammy, even though she is a major pain in my butt, we have the same flare for interior décor so we played house for the next couple hours. LP and D joined us and we hit Lenox mall. D was sooooo mad because he was done after like 20 minutes but we ended up staying for 4 hours! LOL I split from the group for like 15 minutes to find a top but if you ask them I was gone for over an hour! Thank God I had the damn keys or the MOFOs would have left my ass! HEHE. Busola called me to tell me about her cousin’s shindig for her man and it sounded good to me so we crashed the joint. Turns out it was the same shindig Funmi invited us to. I was impressed with the ambiance, the food was absofuckinglutely fabulous! I told my folks to eat quickly before they realized we were not on the guest list. The celebrants’ girl looked chassis, in her black satin number and she was very accommodating despite our dropping by. We mingled for a little while and for once we all agreed it was time to jet. Apparently there was another party, but I was so done! I told the other’s I would be right back and I turned in for the evening. Dammy and VP followed my cue and we hit the sack. ***Ok confession*** I don’t know what it was, probably the Buddah Chinese but I was farting up a storm! I figure I tell on myself before D, LP and Damide come spill the beans!! On sunday we did the elaborate breakfast thing again and D went off to church! AS IF!! We checked out at noon and headed to Imade’s house to hang out with her for a bit and watch Yoruba movies! She made us fried rice and Oby and her friends come there as well. We headed back to NC at about 4 and made it to LP’s crib just in time for Grey’s Anatomy!! It was a fantabulous weekend!!! ![]() More Pictures attached. ![]() ![]()