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Monday, February 20, 2006Next!!I sat back and absorbed all of the comments emails and cheap shots thrown my way both positive and negative and it’s all good. I definitely needed to hear it and it put things into perspective. I was Daft, I should have held my peace but not responding would have been so out of character that I did not mind making a fool out of myself in the process. I am glad it happened though; it was a real eye opener as to what was sooo obvious to everyone but me. I have not responded to any comments, I doubt I will but who knows. Blogging has been a form of therapy for me from jump and it will continue to be. My silence the past few days has been mainly because I wanted to see how all this would unfold. I have made my peace and I am so ready to move on. So moving on….my weekend was quite interesting! I was invited to be a judge for the African competition between three schools UNC, NC State and UNC Pembroke. It was cool, it kinda took my mind away from everything else and I particularly enjoyed the fashion show. I had all my folks over last night and we watched Desperate Housewives and Grey’s Anatomy! Mehn that doctor was QQQQQUUUUUUTTTTEEE!!! I mean GOOD GAWD!! Omo in my opinion that is the best show on TV man, for real! I made buka stew and erryone ate and we chilled till about midnight. Now I am pissed that I am sooo tired. As if I don’t have enough going on, work is getting more ill by the minute, it is mad hard to learn something new and keep up but I am trying my best. I don’t like the fact that I am always busy though, well maybe it’s good, because I had way too much time on my hands! It’s definitely an adjustment. My boss reminds me that I have only been in my new role 2 weeks and it bothers him that I am so hard on myself! I guess that’s good he doesn’t see me as slacking. Anywho…Let me get back to work. Thanks again for all your 2 cents!! ![]() ![]()