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Monday, March 06, 2006Weak...endI tried my darnest to get everything done this weekend, but working at my Marlboro job Friday put a damper in my step. So on Saturday, I was scheduled to work again, except I totally forgot! How do you forget to go to work? I went to the salon to get my do did, it was hilarious my stylist hooked me up with a Mohawk, like I requested except I looked like the chicken on KFC’s logo! Denrele got the same hairstyle and I swear we looked like fowls on crack! Its growing on me though, thank God they convinced me not to cut my hair into an actual Mohawk!!! I got back from the salon and cooked the rest of the day. I couldn’t eat my own food so I went to Remi’s because she promised me dinner. The heifer was not dressed and there was no food when I got to her crib. We ended up going to the movies to see Medea’s Reunion…absolutely Hilary! I realized I had missed my shift but I decided not to call, I would cook up a brilliant lie! After all, it’s not like I do this shit all the time right? I mean I really did forget. Besides, I have church tomorrow and I am tired as hell! After the movies we drove to UNC to get Omolayo, she was hanging with Oyinade. I ended up sleeping in Remi’s house because I was done! Dewunmi invited me to come chill at his crib and cook for him, I swear I feel used! I am not sure if I really have that many friends or they just want to eat my food! I took my babies LP and Damide with me. Oh my goodness Denrele bought the perfect black pumps for like 20 bucks! I decided to go cop a pair except they were all out! Damn!! I shall be online later today to find those suckers!! I had serious Nigaritis after eating on Sunday and I fell straight out! I stopped by Walmart to pick up some toiletries and I saw this brown sweater! Mehn I copped that mess, so what its from Walmart, shuu, Imma rock the mess out of that shege….ask me if I give a less F*&K! So at around 10pm, I finally called my boss and explained to him that I was on Nyquil and slept through my shift, he totally wasn’t buying it and he said he would have to write me up! Omo, I don’t get write ups! I usually argue my way out of everything but dude is not playing, I berra get my act together because my Marlboro job is a nice little supplemental income! ![]() ![]()